Collecting Quotes on Relationships Can be a Fun Hobby

Helpful and inspiring quotes on relationships are everywhere. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to forget those great thoughts.

To keep them where you can refer to them again someday, all you need to do is start a collection, just like you might collect shells, stamps, or teddy bears.

Here are a few ideas for maintaining a collection of love quotes.

When people think of scrap booking these days, they usually think of photo albums, but there is no reason why your favorite relationship quotes cannot be collected in a scrapbook.

  • Begin with an attractive loose leaf binder and plastic page protectors.
  • Get colorful printed papers that you like along with stickers or other decorative accents.
  • Write out the quotes in your best handwriting, or print them in attractive fonts on your computer.
  • Cut out the quotes in decorative shapes and attach them to the special papers and store in the page protectors.
  • In time you'll have a book you'll enjoy perusing in your quiet moments. For shorter quotes, you can even write them out in alphabet stickers.

    You can collect quotes on relationships with your computer as well. If you keep a blog, you might want to assign a special page or section for your favorite quotes.

    It's easy to copy and paste them from other websites, but do remember to include the source!

    You don't have to be public with your quotes, of course, and can simply store them in a file using your favorite word processing program.

    Many people keep a journal to deal with stress, and it is also a good place to keep those special relationship and love quotes.

    You may want a special hardback journal to keep just for quotes.

    You might want to date the entries and include a few lines about what the quote means to you right then in your life, but just saving the quote is good too.

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