Capricorn Relationships - Personality Traits and Compatibility

Want to know about Capricorn relationships? Capricorns are strong, reliable, reserved, dignified, and conservative.

However, underneath this outer shell is a joyful and bubbly inner self, which shows in the Capricorn with those close to them.

Capricorns often steer away from risk, but they have a good appetite for all the pleasures of life.

People of this sign are usually very successful at climbing the social ladder and obtaining material recognition.

However, this good quality may interfere in the Capricorn relationships within a couple.

When a Capricorn finds a partner who would share their interests and views, this couple will blossom in all aspects of a satisfying relationship.

Capricorns may be slow starters in a relationship, but they are loyal, protective and lasting companions. The downsides of this zodiac sign include possessiveness and solidity.

Here is a brief listing of Capricorn compatibility with other zodiac signs:

  • Aries: these goal-oriented individuals create love matches with a rather good compatibility.

  • Taurus: practical and realistic approach to life results in a great compatibility in these couples.

  • Gemini: opposite life views result in lower chances of a lasting relationship in these matches.

  • Cancer: opposite personality traits of these two signs often mean a lower chance of a good match.

  • Leo: dissimilarities of these two signs prevail over their similarities, and thus they may not fit.

  • Virgo: realistic and mature outlook of these signs often creates great couples.

  • Libra: readiness to adjust is the key to the success of these matches.

  • Scorpio: these sensitive individuals may not match, as neither of them lets their emotions show.

  • Sagittarius: these opposite signs may either not match, or entirely meet each other's needs.

  • Capricorn: two people of the same sign have a great chance of a wonderful match.

  • Aquarius: contrasting qualities may create a great relationship or make it collide.

  • Pisces: if the differences of these signs complement each other, they will make a great couple.

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